Tuesday, March 25, 2008

In the way of Popo

The idea of rationing hasn't entered our daily lives for a couple of generations now, but it was a normal way of life for those that lived through war-time conservation. Born of this time were unique things of necessity that have found a permanent place in our society today, like the Levis 501 selvedge denim, pantyhose, and the woman factory worker. I remember as a child how my grandma, a.k.a. popo, had a use for every scrap of food she prepared for us: from saving the slop for the pigs, to letting our dog gnaw the bones to edible (but not very digestible) splinters, then using the dog shit to fertilize the plants. It was an understanding that things were never wasted, everything had an end purpose. If only I knew how to whittle bone into tiny pieces of preciousness, I could've started this much earlier. Everything organic I use for specimen is a bi-product from it's source, never the main product. I'm just finding my own way of emulating my popo.

Check out the latest drippy chain with shark vertebrae earrings I busted out tonight.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

No sleep 'till BROOKLYN FLEA

Come check out all the new talismans and keepsakes that are materializing for the brooklyn flea! The specimen lab has been burning the midnight oil in preparation for a grand exhibition on Sunday, April 6 with tent-mate: "Melody's Addiction".
Get yourself to the corner of Lafayette & Vanderbilt on opening day!
Check out the flea's blog that Eric is putting together to keep everyone in the know...